The parents’ guide to body dysmorphic disorder
This book was written by Nicole Schnackenberg, Benedetta Monzani, & Amita Jassi in 2020./e
It was translated to Persian by Maryam Ghorbani Gherkhloo./e

This book was written by Nicole Schnackenberg, Benedetta Monzani, & Amita Jassi in 2020./eIt was translated to Persian by Maryam Ghorbani Gherkhloo./e
Nicole Schnackenberg Benedetta Monzani Amita Jassi | Author |
Maryam Ghorbani Gherkhloo | Translator |
Somaye Entezari, Ph.D | Scientific Editor |
1st Edition | Edition |
182 | Pages |
23.5× 16.5 | Book size |
978-622-90291-1-4 | ISBN |